Opzioni di iscrizione

Dear Students,

Welcome to the Department of General Psychology Moodle site of the Course "Basic concepts in Neurophysiology"

This site will be utilized to post materials for discussions, forums, and chats to implement videos and slides of the Lectures available on the Federica Web Platform

Tutorials: it is also organized a weekly Zoom-based tutorial activity (every Friday at 2.30 PM Rome time) to discuss the week's lectures, analyse the week's topics, suggest bibliographic material, and extend the information given in the lectures.

Exam and ongoing evaluations: This Moodle site will also be utilized for the ongoing evaluations of your knowledge of the already explained topics. These evaluations will be averaged with the final exam evaluation for the final grade.

Ongoing evaluations are based on a multiple-choice quiz. The final exam will be an in-presence oral exam in which the student briefly discusses a topic of the course.

Final exam schedule: The calendar of the final exam is already published on the student's Web Agenda of the University of Padova (just click, insert my name and carefully check the right exam)

The final grade will be published on the web-based University of Padova platform Uniweb and, after your approval of the grade, the grade will be officially given on your electronic official record (Libretto online) of the University of Padova.

How to contact me: You can contact me at any time by e-mail (my mail is: aram.megighian@unipd.it ) for any kind of explanation and support regarding my course, especially tutorial explanations and/or close examinations of the topics of the Course, requests for material to go deeper in the arguments treated in the Course and any other kind of information.

Forum: Tutorial and other information about the Course will be also published on the Course Forum

Administrative requests, on the other hand, should be better sent to the general administration of Techniques and Methods in Psychological Sciences.

Link to the Course video lectures on the Federica Web platform
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)